Tuesday, April 28, 2015

When you are stuck between.

 A while ago  I was upset about a challenge and a friend had to narrate a similar but funny experience to me, something that happened to his friend that made me laugh.

 Emeka, popularly called ‘’pastor’’ is a final year university student and a fanatical Christian, well known for his religious radicalism.  Emeka didn't  have any association with "sinners", he didn't even want to be seen in their midst unless he was preaching to them. His most popular message was  "thou shall not fornicate, all fornicators will burn in hell!"

In his final year, Emeka’s supervisor assigned him a thesis/ project topic, a topic he dreaded so much and decided he would have nothing to do with it. He pleaded severally with the supervisor, a professor of medicine who remained adamant and refused a change of topic. The study involved assessing the human semen and his sample population was to be male undergraduate students. It was actually a part of the professor’s ongoing research.

After much sleepless nights and emotional stress, Emeka realized he was stuck between the devil and the deep sea. He needed to graduate as much as he wanted to make heaven... (I’m laughing).  He decided to commence sample collection anyway. He went to a group of ‘’Unbelievers’’ and explained his dilemma to them after which he gave them a test tube each, to help him with the sample of....you know (Lol). The young men declined and mocked him. One mockingly asked "but pastor, how am I supposed to get it? Are you asking me to fornicate or masturbate?". This went on severally as months passed until he was fed up. No one wanted to co-operate.

 One day the professor called him and said  "you are of no use to me in this research, no student has been able to do this study since three years now. You have a week to submit to me a new topic for approval".  Emeka had already lost all hope of graduating that year and he was filled with gratitude to God for delivering him from such temptation alas.

Now, I don’t know how the story helped me in my own challenge, but it did remind me that sometimes in life, we are made to face challenges that try our faith. God will never let us carry more than what we can bear€€

By Chioma Morah

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