Tuesday, April 28, 2015

The Dangers of High Heels

They are very fashionable, they come in various colors, shapes and sizes and they bring out the beauty of your attire.

They make you look taller, give you that step and glamour, but they can be very dangerous to your health, those killer heels you rock!

Recent research has shown that a third of women suffer permanent damages due to their prolonged wearing of high heels. In the early 1930’s high heels were used on special occasions. These days, all thanks to movie stars, fashion models and the internet, it has become a regular foot wear for many ladies. There have also been numerous cases of injuries due to falling on high heels.

What happens when you are on high heels?
The high heel makes you raise your heel,your center of gravity is pushed forward, you bend your lower back to compensate for this
This changes position of your spine putting pressure on the nerves in your back.

The following could result from prolonged use of high heels;
Foot deformities and pain
When the foot is normally flat on the floor, body weight is supported by the arch of the foot 
and equally distributed between the  fore foot and hind foot.
On heels, much of the body weight is shifted to the feet and the delicate toe bones. 
This causes chronic overuse injuries presenting as deformities; bony toe out growth (bunion), hallux valgus, hammer toe,ingrown toe nails.

Damages to calf muscles

Knee damages; high heels put extra stress on the knee which can facilitate osteoarthritis

Spinal injuries
High heel Increases the lordotic curve of lumbar spine causing excruciating low back pain, spine and nerve problems

Ladies note;
The higher the heels, the more dangerous.
Avoid high heels that compress your toes.
Wear shoes that are soft and well padded inside.
Have variety of shoes so you can alternate between high and flat shoes

By Chioma Morah

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