It cures malaria, typhoid, cholera,
syphilis, gonorrhea, diabetics, erectile dysfunction, infertility, fibroids, tuberculosis, back pain, arthritis, rashes, cancer, HIV/AIDS and even chases away witches and wizards. OMG! Just one concoction!...
Majority of these diseases are not even related in any way.
They come in different bottle sizes with various names
and labels. Their contents; horrible
liquids with weird odor, taste and colors ranging from black to brown and
They are peddled all over the streets in Nigeria at very affordable prices, and with promises of performing wonders...Ok, I
haven’t seen any one yet that raises the dead to life...Lol
Now, please don’t get me wrong here,
I believe in the efficacy of herbs and natural products but frankly, some of
these products on the streets are way too ridiculous and harmful concoctions.
It’s only natural for one to be frustrated
with a problem and search for solutions, but sometimes, ignorance and
desperation can lead to irreparable damages.You can't just drink any concoction you see on the street or someone prescribed for you, you must know what it is!
I remember doing a brain MRI scan on a young lady about 2 yrs ago who was on the verge of losing her sight along with other brain damages. She confessed to taking a whole bottle of an unknown concoction to ‘’wash her womb’’ so she can conceive. What is the connection between the stomach and womb? Some victims of these so called "miracle drinks" have ended up with kidney and skin damages, or even death.
I remember doing a brain MRI scan on a young lady about 2 yrs ago who was on the verge of losing her sight along with other brain damages. She confessed to taking a whole bottle of an unknown concoction to ‘’wash her womb’’ so she can conceive. What is the connection between the stomach and womb? Some victims of these so called "miracle drinks" have ended up with kidney and skin damages, or even death.

By Chioma Morah