I lay on my bed rolling from side to side, it was past midnight yet sleep had eluded me. How could I sleep when the noise and the pain were becoming unbearable for me. The screams where piercing my heart as I covered my ears with my middle fingers. It was the voice of a woman crying and screaming, my neighbour’s wife being beaten and battered again, and she is pregnant! It wasn’t the first nor would it be the last time.
No wonder I rarely saw her outside, each time
I saw her, she was always in a hurry to get back inside her house, she avoided
the company of fellow women and she never wore a smile. That is the image of a
woman whose ego is gone, she has learned to live in silence under the control and
terror of her abusive husband.
What Kind of man beats his wife like
an animal? Ask me, I’ll say he is a weak man! Yeah that's right, a very weak man. If he cannot appropriately handle a single human being, a weaker sex for
that matter who God placed under his authority, then he seriously lacks leadership
qualities. One may say “well, but she nags, she doesn’t listen , she insults...’’ Some women are terrible but whatever the case, Wife beating should never be an option.
That man is yet to
learn to be a man. Women are emotional beings, a times we overreact and many times we make mistakes too, what we need is proper guidance with love.
man should know how to command his wife’s love, respect (not
fear) and loyalty, he can make her "worship" him. He should also know the appropriate way to correct her.
Every woman is like a machine ( a machine with a heart) in that she has buttons that
switch her on and off, she has parts of her that need to be lubricated often to make
her function normally.
If you keep pressing the wrong buttons you
might just keep bringing out the negative aspects of your woman. A man who truly
loves his wife would do what it takes to make it easier for her to keep
submitting and also keep lavishing him with love and support, Such a
man prospers. God knows this, that was
why he obliged men to love their wives as their own bodies, just as the woman
submits. (Ephesians 5: 22-29)
A wise woman understands her husband, his psychology and his temperament. She should avoid annoying her man to the point where he looses control of himself especially if he's hot tempered.
If domestic violence and abuse is a habit of his, then she should know the limit above which it can damage her, the children and family. Its necessary for her to seek advice from appropriate channels in such situations
by Chioma

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