( Photo credit : pix good.com)
For over a decade now, female suicide bombing became the popular trend in terrorism in many nations and recently in Nigeria. Whatever happened to the traditional Muslim norm that Muslim women are supposed to be secluded at home busy with their primary role of housewife and motherhood while the men are educated to fight.
What kind of god contradicts himself?
What kind of god derives joy in killing and destroying innocent lives?
No doubt the devil is seriously at work.
Female suicide bombers can easily get past military checkpoints. women appear harmless such that they are less likely to be searched and if the security services are too invasive they may begin to make cases of sexual harassment
"Moreover, When an improvised explosive device is strapped around a woman’s midsection, it gives the impression that she is pregnant, throwing off security forces who don’t expect a woman — let alone one who is pregnant — to be carrying a bomb,” says Prof. Bloom (Author of Women and terrorism.).
The big question is; Do these women volunteer or are they coerced? Well, both.
In extreme Islamic societies, many young girls are forced into marriages with Islamic radicals, Jihadists etc where they are brainwashed into suicide bombing. In such societies, a raped woman is no longer marriageable, it is believed that she can redeem her family name and soul with eternal martyrdom (suicide bombing ).
Here are a few of the notorious female terrorists and suicide bombers ever known;
Samantha Lewthwaite (aka "White Widow")

(Photo credit: Getty images)
One of Britain's most wanted terrorist and is still being sought by British and US intelligence services. The mother of four was reported to have been gunned down last year but sources say she is still alive and recruiting female jihadi suicide bombers.
Lewthwaite was a normal British christian girl until she met and married suicide bomber Germaine Lindsay, a Jamaican-born Yorkshire man (Reuters). She is said to be responsible for numerous bombings including that of Kenya and Abuja, Nigeria.
Sajida Al-Rishawi

Al-Rishawi was the most well-known face of modern female terrorism. She hailed from a powerful terrorists family in western Iraq. She and her husband were involved in the al-Qaeda attack of three luxury hotels in Amman, Jordan. Unlike her husband who successfully detonated his own explosive, she failed and was captured in 2006. According to Reuters, IS was keen to secure her release in exchange for the Jordanian pilot Lt. Muath al-Kaseasbeh. She was later executed by Jordan government after the pilot was burnt alive on January 3 this year.
Reem Riyashi,
(Picture credit : Getty Images)
Riyashi, a Hamas operative, detonated herself at the Erez Checkpoint between Gaza and Israel on 14 January 2004. She passed through a security check by claiming to have metal plates embedded in her legs. She triggered her device while being searched by a female Israeli soldier. (1)
Khava Barayeva

17-year-old blew herself up in a truck filled with explosives at a military base in Chechnya . This was when the group "black widow" into limelight.
(2 )
The Black Widow phenomenon is a nightmare for the Russian government. They are a group of female suicide bombers aka shahidkas. A Russian journalist Julia Jusik called them “Brides of Allah”. Many of these are wives of the murdered Chechen fighters seeking for revenge. Some are poor or unemployed teenage girls.But, their common link is hatred towards the Russians because of war in Chechen. (Wikipedia )
Shamil Basayev

In 2001 Shamil Basayev founded "Riyadus Saliheen," a brigade of female suicide attackers in Chechen. The formation of the brigade is the direct cause of the many tragedies in Russia today.
Dzhanet Abdullayeva
The deadliest identified female suicide bomber in history was Dzhanet Abdullayeva, who blew up a Moscow tube train in 2010, killing 38 people. She was a member of black widow
Thenmozhi Rajaratnam
Rajaratnam, a member of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), carried out a suicide bombing that killed Rajiv Gandhi, then prime minister of India, on 21 May 1991.
And many others...
- David Blair . (2015 ) Revealed: world's deadliest female terrorists. The Telegraph.
- Yuri Barmin. (2013) Female "Black Widow" Terrorists Expose a Hard Truth About Russian Culture