Some people are so strong minded that they can take chances with almost anything. Even when things fall apart in their lives due to their wrong moves they can be like ''well, so what? Life is all about risks!''
It's true that one can never be too careful in life, but I personally hate some repercussions and regrets, so I try to follow the necessary protocols or due process in achieving my goals. I only use short cuts when I must, but it also has to be a good means.
There are numerous short cuts we take in our daily lives that ends up as bad decisions. For instance, when you tell a big lie to your partner/Lover, hoping it would promote the relationship/marriage, only to lose that person when the truth finally explodes in your face. Or telling your boss that you are sick and on admission so you can have a few days off only for your boss to sight you somewhere in town doing something else. I bet he/she would never trust you again.
Fraud is now the order of the day, illegal "runs", and akward businesses that fetch you loads of money in a blink of an eye at any cost. This is what my people call "ego mbute" (heavy money! not peanut change)
All forms of malpractices can be seen among the youth, even adults in our society. Students are no longer willing to study hard. They do all sort of things before and during an exam. But, is it really worth it struggling to achieve things by ''all means''?
Do we still remember that our heavenly Father is equally putting us through rigorous exams here on earth to know those that are worthy of heaven?
An old friend of mine who was eager to get a wife said to me '' Chi, I really want to get married asap but you see, I don't have time and patience to court a girl at all. What I do now is, every weekend, I invite a different girl over because that's the easiest way to find out which girl I'm physically and sexually compatible with''
What a way to chose a wife! I just wonder what happened to the days when a young man would woo the one girl he wants, study her, rub minds/heads together and prayerfully hope on God...some say I still Live in the 19th century, what ever!
Jesus took the longer route of THORNS to the THRONE. On the way to calvary, he could have bursted those soldiers, "kicked some butts" and freed himself, but he knew that climbing that cross was the right thing to do for your sake and mine.
The point is; Taking the elevator instead of the stair case doesn't always help, it helps doing things the right way.
by Chioma
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