At nights, it was dreadful because they would scream and screech endlessly. Most disturbing was the sound of them pecking and biting into my window frames and wooden fixtures or trying to drill more holes for their easy movement. It was pretty embarrasing each time I had visitors and one or two rats would come around to say 'hi'
Day and night I pondered on what to do with them rats and how to eradicate them.I bought all sorts of rat traps and yes, it did catch me a couple of rats, but they kept on coming around.

I decided to spy on the rats especially at nights. I was shocked to discover so many deep holes on my walls, close to the ceiling, and most of them were inter connected. I watched the rats at night move in and out of the holes and was also able to detect the main entrance to the breeding ground.

Every experience I have in Life teaches me something. Thinking about this experience, I learnt something very vital. Like the rats, there are so many unwanted people, things, and reccurent incidents in our lives. There are problems we repeteadly encounter and each time we fight them, we forget to tackle the sources of the problems first.
All that rat poison and rat traps didn't do much for me, until I discovered and destroyed the breeding ground within. I sealed up all those loop holes through which they penetrated my appartment.
Some storms and calamities are not natural. Many atimes, we unconciously leave lots of loop holes for satan to come in and bug our lives and then we keep on wondering what is happening, despite all our prayers, fasting and commitments to God.
According to Rev O.A. Areogun of Life Oasis International Church, Nigeria. ''The devil can't do anything against you until he sees a loop hole in your life from where he can touch you. Meaning Satan really has no place in your life except the one you give to him''
Loop holes are majorly sin; lies, degeption, all forms of rebellion and disobedience to God, Ignorance and incomplete knowledge of God's word
Screaming, yelling and stumping are not what's required to defeat satan. They will accomplish nothing if you are not living a consecrated life. Negligence in dealing with one's sinful life, secret sins, and weaknesses will continually give your enemies and satan himself the very loop holes he needs to ochestrate your defeat.

By Chioma
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