As a kid back then, I was addicted to watching cartoons especially Tom & Jerry. Even as a grown up, I would sometimes watch them in the office and my colleagues would often tease me calling me a baby. But seriously, I watch them not just because they are hillarious and entertaining, but also educative. It is from cartoons that I got to learn about catching a rat with a bait in a mouse trap. It was really amusing because the mouse always succeded in taking out the cheese without getting hurt. The trap would then end up catching or hurting the fingers of the cat who would set the trap and almost always forgets about it.
The devil uses the same means to trick us into sin.
I used to think that all these mouse and cheese stuff was all stories made up for kids until I did some little research. I realised that rats really do adore cheese and would do almost anything to have it, even the ones in a mouse trap. But you see, cheese isn't really good for the intestines of the mouse due to its high fat content. . Rats are lactose intolerant. (The rat wouldn't know that anyway...hahaha)
I was pondering on this rat and cheese connection and I came to some realisations.
A trap is set to catch a prey. Have you ever gone fishing? The fish doesn't just cling to your hook and say ''Hey, i'm here! and i'll just love to be your dinner''. No, you have to put a bait on the hook, something that the fish would love to eat.
The rat is never a welcomed inhabitant in our houses, and the cats and we humans would constantly prey on them.
Man also has a constant enemy, the devil. he's everywhere with his agents, always looking for people to destroy. He creates horrible situations, circumstances and storms to pull us down. He tempts and lures us with our hearts desires, beautiful things and the pleasures of life, baits. If we fall into satan's traps, it will take only God to effectuate our deliverance.
''Be sober, be vigilant, because the devil your adversary as a roaring lion walked about seeking whom he made destroy " (1 Peter 5: 8 )
The devil never comes to you as that beast with horns,a tail and a pitch fork in his hand.

I had some interesting observations about this prey & trap things.
- The bait is always free,
- like the cheese, it is always sweet and attractive, nice aroma
- The preys doesn't usually deserve the bait (never worked for it)
- Traps are laid in secret, are set so they can't be seen (Ps 142: 3) (64: 5)
It's common among men to desire free things, want free quick money, free food, free house, free sex, free enjoyment, free and quick promotions, raise or appointments that you never really deserved.
Actually, there's nothing really wrong with recieving free gifts, that's if there are no sinful or wicked motives behind the giving and recieving. God gives free gifts and every one likes gifts, even me.
But God also wants us to work for the things we want.
The problem with many so called ''free things'' these days is that they come with hidden conditions, they are concealed traps. I read horrible stories of young people lured to their death with free offers.
Whenever I get weired offers or even seemingly normal ones, I don't just jump at it like ''hurray! God has just made a way for me!'' No, I ask questions. I also ask my self some questions too like; what does the word of God say about that particular thing?, do I deserve it? is it normal? could there be any hidden intentions behnd this offer? Are there any repercussions/detriments involved, etc. For me,these questions go before the question ''so, what is in it for me?''
Ok, its not like I have all I need in life, far from it. Neither am I trying to sound like a saint. I just like being careful. I cannot begin to count all the dangerous traps the devil has set for me, litttle traps here and there, but God is faithful.
The devil never rests until he sees people fallen and caged. The higher and stronger one gets in life, the more careful one should be.
Satan doesn't give gifts. If at all you get things from him, you pay with your tears, your life and your soul.
Every good and perfect gift is from God.