One of the most difficult periods in the life of a Christian is when God seems to be silent. There are often times of trials when we desperately need God's intervention and waiting on Him can be really frustrating.
These perilous times are simply trials of our faith.
When God is silent, the devil snaffles the opportunity, comes in and tries to play with our faith and minds. First, he torments your mind and accuses you, telling you what you did or failed to do making you feel guilty about your present condition.
"Satan is the accuser of the brethren and accuses us even before God" ( Rev 12:10)
Then he whispers all sort of lies into our ears, thoughts, opinions and seemingly brilliant ideas.
"...For there is no truth in him, when he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of all lies. " (John 8:44 )
You know, at some point in the storm when all we need is just answers, it can be pretty difficult discerning the voice of God from that of the devil. Satan doesn't always come with plain lies, he can present you with What I call "truth-coated lies" or "placebo lies". These are lies that sound so genuine that they make you feel better psychologically. But beware! Their after effects can be devastating.
Frankly, there are one or two prayer points I still have with me, needs I've been praying for since I was a child, some since my teenages, others spanning through years now. I'v done all kinds of fasting, sown seeds and I'm still waiting on my ever faithful God.
Really, I've had times when I felt like climbing up to my roof top, raising my hands up to the sky and screaming "Lord where are you? Why don't you just come down now let's talk face to face, you can't tell me you haven't got a plan, why are you taking me through all these?"
But then, I always remember that God's ways are mysterious, he does his will and no one can question Him.
According to David A. DePra, A trial of faith is not God tempting us to see if we'll break. No, it's the way God builds our faith. Faith can only be built if we are faced with every question and every challenge. Faith isn't real unless it's tested by circumstances, tested by our own flesh and emotions.
Do you think the devil doesn't know this? That's why he asked God to permit him to tempt Job and see. He thought Job would fall ( Job 1:9 -11 )
The trial of faith will always include the silence of God. In fact, I like to see it this way; God is trusting me with his silence because he knows (and hopes) that I'll come out of my trials victoriously. God trusted and boasted about Job to satan.
I concur with DePra that the ultimate reason for God's silence is because he wants to give us a revelation of himself and testimony in the end. He wants to take all the glory for Himself
During our trial times, we expose our true selves to God though He knows us already. All our motives and self interest will be brought to light.
Interestingly, I even noticed that during such times, I develop a better understanding of who I am. It unravels to me, things I never knew about my self and personality.
Everyone goes through such a period at some points in their lives. It feels like God suddenly packed up, moved far away and left you no forwarding address.
But why does God seem silent sometimes?
Its not because He's unaware of what you're going through, indifferent or unable to rescue you. He's all-knowing, cares and has all authority. He may just be testing your faith.God wants to prove his authority and faithfulness to his children.
Jesus delayed by two days after receiving news of Lazarus' sickness so that Lazarus died. This was so that God will be glorified at the resurrection of Lazarus (Luke 11:4-6 )
Sometimes when God seems silent, He's busy working things out for you though you might not perceive it immediately.
When God seems silent, it's also possible that we are not tuned into hearing him. We are surrounded by background noises and countless distractions..........Rev. Darryl Mathis.
Also, it may be that we are not approaching God with the right attitude. We might be approaching him on behalf of our works, on the basis of our knowledge, or because we just feel it's our right and God must give us what we want whether it's in his plan for us or not.
Here's what I do when God seems silent concerning my situation;
I'm never in a hurry to take action, I try discerning the voice of God inside me, I try to reason, pray and find inner peace.I put on a filter to my ears, against the lies and deception of evil people and the devil.
I just try to engage myself spiritually to avoid depression.
If you are going through difficulties, a terrible loss, heart break, disappointment or whatever, just know that you are not alone. God Loves you and he'll make everything beautiful for you at the aappropriate time.
by Chioma
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