Hurdles and obstacles are normal occurences in life. Most often when we meet these disappointments, we say "it's just one of those temptations, satan is a liar, I must get there''
Have you ever paused in such a situation to ponder, 'Is this really from the devil? what if God is trying to tell me something'
When I was given admission into the university many years back to study Medical Radiography, I felt it was the worst thing to happen to me. I was angry and disappointed because it wasn't what I really applied for. I had something else in mind, my own plan for my life.
For three good years I was angry and depressed, I tried all I could to change programme, including writing fresh admission examinations and completing several change of course forms. I used to wonder why the all-knowing God nullified my efforts. Thank God my plans never worked out anyway because as I reminisce about the past, I realise how lucky I am today. Great career, great job.
The bible story of Balaam and the talking donkey used to be one my favourite bible stories as a child
Balaam was a world famous diviner or sorcerer who lived in the city of pether, current Iraq. He was a man in love with worldly fame and money.
The Moabite king Balak hired Balaam to curse the Israelites so he could defeat them. Initially, Balaam rejected the offer as God instructed him but when more prominent delegates arrived with a more enticing offer, Balaam was tempted. God could see Balaam's heart and greed. He reluctantly permited Balaam to go with the moabites
That God doesn't always restrain us from sin or from our own direction doesn't always mean that he approves of it.
According to Mathew Henry's Bible commentry, 'God sometimes denies the prayer of his people in love, while he sometimes grants the prayer of the wicked in wrath'
But God was very angry with Balaam for embarking on the journey to curse israel and the angel of the lord with a drawn sword in his hand stood on the road to oppose balaam and his donkey. Three times the angel blocked them and on each occasion, the donkey refused to carry balaam further despite the beatings received.
The second time the angel blocked them, God made the donkey press close to the wall, crushing balaams foot against the wall. (a warning sign ) still Ballaam insisted on making the trip with his injured foot smacking the donkey again.
It was at this point that the Lord caused the donkey to speak and also opened Balaam's eyes to see the angel. Balaam learnt that the donkey had saved his life, the angel would have killed him if the donkey hadn't rebelled. Balaam was later allowed to proceed to the israelites but with God's instruction.
This is very much like many of us christians today. We find ourselves pushing and forcing ourselves into where we do not belong or a life that was never meant for us, maybe because of greed for fame and fortune despite how often God has tried stoping us.
Peter said of such people '' They have left the straight way and wandered off to follow the way of Balaam...who loved the wages of wickedness'' (1 peter 2: 15)
When God allows us to sin, it doesnt mean that we have outwitted God. God granted us freewill so that we can make our own choices, having in mind that we ought to follow God's path with a pure heart.
by Chioma Morah
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