Death and life are in the power of the tongue. I bet we've all heard this wise saying of |David like a hundred times and we must have re-echoed it severally in the past. These words never pierced my heart the way they did sometime ago when something happened in a family in the little town I live in, that re-kindled my consciousness of the words of my lips.
One early morning, a father and his young son had a very intense argument over something I really don't know. I understood that this pair were fond of disturbing the neighborhood with their early morning scuffles.
From the information I gathered, this young boy was a very amiable fellow, always smiling and singing and he went about his affairs, he was dearly loved by his neighbors and all who knew him. I thus wondered, why the frequent fights with his father, some said the man was totally unlovable and controlling.
On that faithful day, the young lad had another heated argument with his dad. In the process, he walked out on his infuriated father towards his bike .As he started the bike, the voice of his furious father echoed behind him ''you stupid son, you are starting your motorcycle while your father is talking to you, you'll not see the end of today, this motorcycle will kill you today! ''
As I peeped through the glass door of the emergency unit in an attempt to get a glimpse of his badly mangled body, stone dead and already covered with a white cloth, I pondered; Is this a mere coincidence, or really the power of words.
Many lives, friendships, relationships, marriages etc have been ruined by words spoken.Great opportunities in life have equally been lost. |Once wrong words are spoken you cannot take them back, it spreads like wild fire & keeps on causing damage behind you, even long after you have left a scene.
Watch your lips!
Death & Life are in the power of the tongue, ( prov 18: 21)
Whoever keeps his mouth and his tongue keeps himself out of trouble (prov 21:23|)
whoever guards his mouth preserves his life, he who opens wide his lips comes to ruin. ( prov 13: 3)
I tell you, on the day of judgement, people will give account for every careless word they speak.( Mathew 12:36 )
by chioma