Friday, December 6, 2013

And God Opened Her Eyes.

Have you ever needed or wanted something so desperately that you kept on praying and searching for it only to discover a while later that you've had it with you all the while and yet you never knew that.

I cannot forget a particular examination I sat for in my final year in the university a couple of years ago. I had a hectic time preparing for that exam. The course was though and the lecturer was unpredictable. I kept on hoping on God for some revelations.

One morning,  a day before the exam, as I sat on my table at home I picked up a sheet of paper that had suddenly caught my attention. It had been lying carelessly on my reading table for weeks, looking so old and rumpled from the stress of being used consecutively as a provisional hand fan. I just wondered why I hadn't disposed of it.
I opened the paper and discovered it was an old question paper on the same course I was going to write the next day. Almost immediately,  I heard a voice inside me say, "drop every other  book and revise that paper thoroughly". I didn't argue with that voice despite the fact that I hadn't finished revising my notes . It's  funny that I spent the entire  day and the last moments before the exam solving the questions on that paper.
Well, guess what happened when I got into the exam hall the next day, the exam question paper was a duplicate of the past question paper I just revised. I couldn't believe it, the holy spirit had given me a divine exposition.  The answer to my prayers has been with me all the while.  If God hadn't opened my eyes!

Sometimes,  the answer to our prayer is right there before us and yet we can't see it. Sometimes,  we may need to change our prayer points to "Dear Lord,  please open my eyes to see this, or know that....."  it could be in the case of a prayer for a life partner,  a contract,  job etc.

Remember the story of Hagar and Ishmael (Genesis 21:8-20). Hagar was the egyptian maid to Sarah who bore a son Ishmael for her master Abraham. Sarah disliked Hagar and her son, and she made her husband send them away into the desert. Hagar wondered in the desert until her food and water was  exhausted. When she was convinced that her hungry exhausted and dying child wasn't going to make it, She hid the crying child under the shade of a bush, then she sobbed some distance away so that  she might not witness the boy's death. God heared the voice of the lad crying.  He called Hagar and then made promises of life to her.
The Bible records in Genesis 21: 19, "....and God opened  her eyes, and she saw a well of water, she filled the bottle and gave the boy to drink and he lived"
This bible passage never implied or mentioned  anything about God creating a well, or taking her to a distant well somewhere. Rather he showed her a well of water which  she could see right from where she was. It's obvious that the well had been there all the while, not so far from her and yet she couldn't see it.

When we are desperately in need, the devil can manipulate  our feelings. Sadness and sorrow have blinding effect on people. We need to constantly ask God for the grace, wisdom and strength in such situations, so we can see and act properly.

by Chioma

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